Dalasoft Limited
TheBar Badge TheBar lets you produce bar charts fast and easily.

Below is a bar chart of the 2009 population growth (percent).

TheBar also lets you email the charts you make, as well as save them for future use.

2009 Population Growth ChartMailing Bar Chart

To show you how easy it is to create bar charts with TheBar here is a link to a short tutorial:

Creating a new bar chart from scratch.

TheBar app is a universal Progressive Web Application (PWA) which works on any device (phone, tablet, desktop) on any operating system from your browser, as long as it supports modern JavaScript. And, if you install it on your device, you will be able to start it by clicking its badge on your Home Screen, like any other app on your device.

TheBar app is FREE. It has no ads and does not collect any data.

TheBar Badge

So, start making your bar graphs ...

Try TheBar HERE ... NOW!

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